The Equity Gap

What if you just stopped trying to fix yourself?

Shahzia Noorally

I don't know, there is something I hate about the pressure to create and fulfill new year resolutions that are often rooted in fixing things we find flawed or imperfect about ourselves. The desire to fix what isn't even broken in the first place is such indoctrination from a society that deems us not being enough without hustle culture, discipline and perseverance. No more new year, new me BS. The latest episode of the podcast is a hopeful reframe for all those sick and tired of buying into the false reality of some flawed versions of ourselves. 

If you ever want to connect, provide feedback, share your story or give me any perspective on topics you want me to cover, reach out anytime at

The Colour Gap Podcast is part of the Alberta Podcast Network, locally grown, community supported.

Licensed intro music from NoMo

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