The Equity Gap

Why your path to finding fulfilling works requires a spiritual lens

Shahzia Noorally

“Your playing small does not serve the world.” - Marianne Williamson, a Return to Love

Our journeys as WOC look and feel different, but that does not mean that our worthiness is any less. Imagine the possibilities for your life if you stopped playing small. 

I believe in the core of my being that if you’re struggling to come across work that fulfills you, if you’ve found yourself chasing career paths that paid you a lot of money but left you feeling empty or fulfilled your parents expectations of what you should do, but failed to give you that feeling of being lit up at the thought of going to work each day, that there is inner work to be done. 

I truly believe that if something doesn’t come easy for you - be it love, relationships, career fulfillment, financial freedom, health, that it means you have to embark on a journey that requires you to do the inner work, and that’s why it’s important for me to start our time together on this journey to career fulfillment in a place of reflection and connection to something beyond that which you can immediately control.

The conversation in this episode lays the foundation for what's to come on this podcast and our journey together. Listen on to discover the connection between spirituality and your path to finding fulfilling work. 

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Licensed intro music from NoMo

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