The Equity Gap

You deserve career joy, here's how to obtain it

Shahzia Noorally

"If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive" - Audre Lorde

So much of the journey to finding career joy and a path that fulfils you is rooted in knowing ourselves and as Audre Lorde says "defining myself for myself" - leaning into the possibilities of what comes next for our pathways rooted in an uncompromised perspective of who we are in our hearts first.  Listen on to discover ways to get to a place of career joy, on your terms.

If you ever want to connect, provide feedback, share your story or give me any perspective on topics you want me to cover, reach out anytime at

The Colour Gap Podcast is part of the Alberta Podcast Network, locally grown, community supported.

Licensed intro music from NoMo

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